Solar Staff offers freelancers two types of accounting documents:
Works/services acceptance certificates: They confirm that the freelancer has performed works or rendered services using the service.
Invoices: These confirm the withdrawal of remuneration to a card, e-wallet, or bank account.
The documents are available in the account’s "Documents" section.
Important: Depending on the type of services rendered / works performed, contractor details and offer acceptance date in certificates and invoices may differ. Make sure you download all documents confirming the services and/or works in the reporting period.
What's the purpose of accounting documents?
These documents are used for tax reporting or when interfacing with banks in order to confirm the source of income or the performance of works. Additionally, certificates can be used to assign exclusive intellectual property rights when completing a task in the service.
Generated automatically at the end of the reporting month, but not earlier than the 5th day of the month succeeding the reporting one.
List completed tasks, that is those that the client actually paid for in a given calendar month. If Transaction Security applies (secure deal), the task may be included in the certificate upon acceptance by the client, even if it is not paid for during the reporting period.
Denominated in the task currency. For example, if the task lists the price in euros, and you withdraw money in US dollars, then the certificate will specify the task price in euros. The USD withdrawal is listed in the invoice.
Tasks in a certificate that are marked with an asterisk involve assignment of intellectual property rights.
Generated upon each successful payment.
The invoice date matches the date of the withdrawal.
When an invoice is generated, the funds may still be undergoing processing by the bank or have already been received by the freelancer. The invoice indicates how long it takes funds to arrive for the payment method being used.
If you withdraw in parts, then the invoice will include partial amounts paid to you for the tasks. For example, if in one month you complete two tasks priced at 100 euros each and then withdraw 150 euros from your balance as one payment, then both tasks will be included in the invoice, with the full and partial prices for the first and subsequent task, respectively.
The invoice currency matches the withdrawal currency and may differ from the task currency.
Downloading documents from the account
Go to the Documents section. Certificates and invoices for the current year are displayed in a table broken down by month. To view documents for previous years, you need to specify the relevant period.
You can download any document in PDF format or download an archive of documents for a month or a year — just select a period and click the appropriate button. A download link will be sent to your email and will be active for 7 days.
Additionally, you can generate certificates in a currency other than the one specified in the task. To do this, select the certificate for the corresponding period and click the "Other currencies" button. Then, choose the desired currency.
Sample documents
Got questions? Contact Solar Staff support via online chat or at [email protected].