When you need to bring ten or more freelancers into your workflow quickly, our import feature makes the process seamless and efficient.
Step-by-step instructions:
Navigate to the Freelancers section in your account menu and click Import.
2. Download the template file to get started.
3. Fill in the .xls file following the example provided.
4. Only the email field is mandatory – feel free to leave other fields blank if needed:
phone – contractor’s phone number (without the “+” sign)
fname – first name
sname – last name
specialization_code – specialization code
invite_in_english – send registration email in English: 1 – yes; 0 – no
note – brief description (maximum 50 characters) that appears in both the contractor’s card and general list
5. Select your completed file and click Upload.
Important! Let the file finish uploading completely and avoid multiple clicks on the button.
Once the upload completes, your invited contractors will appear in the table with all their details. You’re now ready to assign tasks to your team members.
Video instructions
Want to grasp this topic more quickly? Our visual guides show the service in action, helping you master all platform features with ease:
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