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Services list
Written by Denis Petrov
Updated over a week ago

Solar Staff allows you to choose between more than 1000 different services across the several categories:

  • Internet advertising

  • Design, photo and naming


  • Graphics / design / web-design

  • Software development / Technical support

  • Content & Electronic mass media

  • Documentation management

  • Software and technical support

  • Call-center / sales department

  • Intermediary services

  • Translation services

  • Architecture and design

  • Repair and maintenance of various equipment

  • Television and radio production

  • Event management

  • Printed & Electronic mass media

  • Offline advertising services

  • Offline promotion services

  • Informational and consulting works and services

  • Branding / naming / branding copywriting

  • Design, makeup and layout of printed media products

  • Courier services

  • Engineering, construction and repair works

  • Informational and consulting works and services (offline)

  • Legal services

If you require additional services, please contact us via chat or email [email protected]

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