Task groups in Solar Staff help you manage multiple projects within a single client account with less hassle.
Task groups serve two primary purposes:
For accounting and reporting – separate works/services in reporting documents (completion certificates) to facilitate auditing and streamline reporting
For administrative efficiency – organize tasks by work type or performer (such as grouping all copywriting or recruitment tasks)
Important! To receive monthly acceptance certificates for separate task groups, contact us via online chat or at [email protected]. Remember to group your tasks before the month ends and the new reporting period begins.
To manage task groups, your client manager (user) needs the permission to edit groups from the account administrator.
Creating a task group in advance
You can set up empty task groups before you need them:
In the “Tasks” section, scroll down and select “My groups”
Click “Add new group”
Type a name for your group and click “Create”
Once you’ve created a group, you can select it during the first step of creating new tasks.
Please note: When selecting a group during task assignment, all invited contractors are available – not just those who previously completed tasks in this group. Tasks are not grouped by the “contractor” attribute.
Three ways to create task groups
Solar Staff offers these methods for creating groups:
Create an empty group through your account (as described above)
Group existing tasks (explained below)
Import a task file – comprehensive information available here
Grouping tasks you’ve already created
Here’s how to organize existing tasks into groups:
In “Tasks,” select your status filter (all tasks, paid tasks, or others)
2. Select the tasks to combine
3. Scroll down and click “Group”
4. In the popup window, either:
o Add tasks to a group you’ve already created
o Create a new group (enter a name and click “Create”)
5. After making your selection, click “Save”
Why use task groups?
With tasks organized into groups, you can:
Filter to quickly find the tasks you need
Generate separate reports for each group
Simplify management of recurring tasks
Groups are especially helpful for regular tasks – you can easily locate templates and quickly create similar tasks as needed.
Managing your task groups
Renaming, deleting, or emptying groups
Click “My Groups” in the “Tasks” section to access these tools:
Pencil icon – Rename a group
Trash icon – Delete a group completely
Minus icon – Remove all tasks from a group
Moving tasks between groups
Need to reorganize?
Select the task(s) you want to move
Click “Move to group”
In the dialog, select both source and target groups
Need help with task groups? Contact us at [email protected] – we’re happy to assist.