Before linking a bank account, make sure that your account in Solar Staff is verified. Freelancer's personal data is a mandatory requirement for transfers to a Mexican bank account. To check the verification status or start account verification, go to the Profile page by clicking on your name in the Menu.
Linking a national currency account
To link a Mexican bank account, go to Finances, select tab Withdrawal method, and click Bank account.
Important! The freelancer's name must match the account's beneficiary. The bank account must be denominated in the national currency. Bank Accounts in other currencies cannot be used for payments.
An SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to your phone. After you enter the code, provide the bank account details:
Choose your bank in the Bank drop-down menu. The list of supported banks is in the table below.
Fill in the Bank account number. The type of the account must be CLABE and contain 18 digits.
Check the box to agree to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.
Save your account details by clicking Link.
List of supported Mexican banks
Bank Name |
ABC Capital |
Accival |
Actinver |
Afirme |
Akala |
American Express |
Asea |
Autofin |
Azteca |
B&B |
Bajio |
Bamsa |
Banamex |
Banco Famsa |
Bancomext |
Bancoppel |
Banjercito |
Banobras |
Banorte |
Banregio |
Bansefi |
Bansi |
Barclays |
Bbase |
BBVA Bancomer |
BMonex |
BMultiva |
Bulltick CB |
CB Actinver |
CB Intercam |
CB JPMorgan |
CI Bolsa |
Cibanco |
Compartamos |
Consubanco |
Credit Suisse |
Deutsche Bank |
Estructuradores |
Evercore |
Finamex |
Fincomun |
HDI Seguros |
Hipotecaria Federal |
Inbursa |
Indeval |
Interacciones |
Interbanco |
Invex |
JP Morgan |
Kuspit |
Libertad |
Mapfre |
Masari |
Merrill Lynch |
Mifel |
Monexcb |
Nafin |
Oactin |
Opciones Empresariales del Noroeste |
Order |
Profuturo |
Reforma |
Santander |
Scotiabank |
Segmty |
Skandia Vida |
Skandia Operadora |
Sofiexpress |
Sterling |
Su Casita |
Telecomm |
The Royal Bank |
Tiber |
Tokyo |
UBS Bank |
Unagra |
Unica |
Valmex |
Value |
Ve Por Mas |
Vector |
Volkswagen |
Walmart |
Zurich |
Zurichvi |
If you have any questions, get in touch via the chat in your Solar Staff account or email us at [email protected].