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Verification rules

Step-by-step guide for Solar Staff freelancers

Valeriy avatar
Written by Valeriy
Updated over a month ago

Account verification helps us confirm your identity and address details. Want to learn more about why verification matters? Check out our guide on verification basics.

Basic rules

According to the Solar Staff Terms of Use, the freelancer account must be registered specifically to the person who actually performs tasks as a subcontractor. The verification process serves to check if the freelancer's account is unique. Using one account, the freelancer can work with an unlimited number of clients.

A few key points to remember:

  • You can work with as many clients as you’d like through a single account

  • Creating multiple accounts will result in automatic verification rejection

  • If you have a valid reason for needing a second account, just let us know through the support chat or at [email protected]

  • Make sure you’re not using a VPN during the verification process

  • The verification process will identify your country, which determines your available withdrawal currencies and payment methods.

Three verification steps

To start, head to your Profile page by clicking your name. Navigate to the “Personal details” tab and click “Get verified.”

If your documents meet all requirements, the whole process typically takes 20 minutes or less.

In your account, go to the Profile page by clicking your name. On the “Personal details” tab, click “Get verified". Next, just follow the instructions. If your documents are in order, the verification process should take no longer than 20 minutes.




Identity verification

Online selfie

Address verification*

Choose one of these documents to verify your identity: passport, international passport, ID card, residence permit, or driver’s license (note: driver’s licenses aren’t accepted for Russia-based freelancers). Learn more

Complete a quick liveness check using your webcam in real-time. Learn more

Upload a document showing your address that includes either your full name or matches the ID document details from step 1. Learn more

*Russia-based freelancers using a browser only need to complete the first two steps.

Document requirements

  • When preparing your documents, please ensure:

  • The document is valid and issued in your name

  • You’re uploading photos of original documents (not copies)

  • All four corners are clearly visible in the photo

  • No information is obscured by hands or objects

  • Photos haven’t been edited or scanned

  • Both sides are included for double-sided documents

  • Files are under 50 MB

  • Files are in JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF format

  • Documents are free from any alterations or corrections

Tip: When uploading your ID document for the first verification step (passport, international passport, ID card, residence permit, or driver's license), feel free to cover your signature – it won't affect the verification process.

Detailed instructions for each step

Step 1: Identity verification

For step one, you can use any of these documents:

  • Identity card

  • Passport

  • International passport

  • Residence permit

  • Driver’s license (except for Russia-based freelancers)

Pro tip: If your passport includes a registration stamp, you can use it for both step 1 and step 3.

Step 2: Liveness check

1. Click Start

2. If your webcam isn’t detected, adjust your browser settings

3. Center your face within the oval frame

4. Follow the on-screen instructions

5. Click Next step once complete

Note: The system will automatically reject any attempts to use photos or objects instead of a live face.

Step 3: Address verification

Your address document must include:

  • Your full name

  • Current residential address

  • Official mark (logo, QR code, organization’s stamp, or representative’s signature)

  • Issue date (within the last 6 months)

Important document guidelines:

  • Only machine-printed documents are accepted (not handwritten)

  • Documents must be in English, Russian, or your national language

  • Paper documents should be uploaded as photos (JPG, JPEG, PNG)

  • Electronic documents should keep their original format (PDF)

Acceptable address verification documents

  • Banking documents (card/account statements, mortgage applications with bank stamps)

  • Utility bills

  • Service contracts (internet, TV, phone)

  • Valid rental agreements

  • Residence permits

  • ID cards

  • Government services portal documents

  • Tax authority documents

  • Pension fund documents

How to upload your registration page

  • Make sure the document series and number are visible – if needed, fold the page to show this information from another page

  • For registration stamps at the bottom of the page, include a photo of the next page to show there are no newer entries

  • Registration must be current at verification time

  • If you used a different document in step one (like an international passport), for address verification you should:

    • Photograph the registration address page

    • Photograph the main spread showing your photo and name

    • Upload these photos in this order

Remember, you can also use any other document from our accepted list above.

Language requirements

We can’t process documents in these languages: Amharic, Bengali, Burmese, Dari, Divehi, Farsi, Khmer (Cambodian), Kinyarwanda, Lao, Mongolian, Nepali, Sinhalese, Hindi, and Urdu.

If your documents are in any of these languages, please provide a notarized English or Russian translation along with the original document.

Completing verification

After uploading everything, click Next step. Our system will run an automatic check that takes a few minutes. You’ll see a completion notice when finished, and your account status will update.

If verification isn’t successful, you’ll find next steps on your Personal details page.

Verification specifics by country:



Belarusian passport registration pages don’t show document series and numbers. When photographing this page, fold it or an adjacent page to show the passport’s MRZ code (the two bottom lines on the main spread) while keeping the registration address clearly visible.












For step one, please upload all pages of your internal passport that show your photo, full name (surname, first name, and patronymic), and passport issuance details (place and date).


Need help? Reach out through the support chat in your account or email us at [email protected]

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