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Creating a team of freelancers
Creating a team of freelancers

Invite freelancers to your team

Denis Petrov avatar
Written by Denis Petrov
Updated over a week ago

After activating a company account, you will be able to invite freelancers to your team.

Go to Freelancers and click Invite

  • Fill in a freelancer’s email.

  • Optionally, add additional information about the freelancer in the Details field

  • The default language of the invitation is Russian. If you want to send the letter in English, check Send invitation in English

  • When everything is ready, click Send invitation

Tracking the registration progress

Freelancers are listed in a table. It shows the registration date, verification status, tax status (Individual, Self-employed, or Individual entrepreneur), and invitation delivery status. It also contains information about freelancers’ linked payment methods and more. You can change the table’s view by clicking Columns in the upper-right corner.

You can remove freelancers from the team or invite them back on. To remove a freelancer, click Actions and choose Exclude. If a freelancer has not received the invitation letter, hit Resend invitation.

A freelancer’s profile

You can open up the freelancer’s profile by clicking on their name or email in the Freelancers section.

The profile shows the history of tasks and allows you to change task statuses, add information about the freelancer (Details), and exclude the freelancer from the team.

Additionally, you can change the freelancer’s display first name and surname (the info in their personal account will remain the same).

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