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Task statuses

What do the task statuses "Reviewing by customer", "Pending payment" mean, and what actions are required to continue the work?

Valeriy avatar
Written by Valeriy
Updated over 9 months ago

New tasks appear in a freelancer's account at different times and in different statuses. It depends on the customer's internal processes and the chosen scheme of interaction with Solar Staff. Read more about timelines in the respective article

Description of tasks' statuses and required actions

Task status


Further actions


A new task has been created by the customer. Carefully study the deadline, cost, description and TOR of the task, before accepting the task for work.

To start working on the task, click Start. ​​You may also Decline it, if the parameters of the task do not meet your expectations.

In progress

You have taken the task to work. If while working on the task you have been requested for additional requirements, you can Open a dispute on the task in order to agree on a new deadline or change the cost of the task.

If the task involves the transfer of the result, then attach a file or link with the result of the work when it is ready. To transfer the result of the completed task to the Customer for review, click the Finish button. You may also Decline the task.

Reviewing by customer

The customer must check and accept the result of your work on the task, if the task was completed with high quality and before the deadline. If the result does not meet the requirements of the customer, the customer can send the task for revision or cancel the task.

The standard term for accepting a task in the service is 15 days. The exception is for the customers with an extended terms for accepting tasks agreed with Solar Staff
If within 15 days the task has not been accepted or sent for revision, then the Customer's account is blocked until the task is accepted. The support team will receive a notification about the problem and will contact the Customer to resolve the issue.

Pending payment

The customer has accepted the result of work on the task and must pay for it.

The standard term for paying the task (with disabled function "Secure deal") is within 60 days from the date of task being reviewed.
If the Customer has the "Secure deal" function enabled, then payment will occur on the eighth day automatically.
The exception is for the customers with an extended payment terms agreed with Solar Staff.

Declined by customer

The customer has declined the task.

To clarify the reason, please contact the customer.

Declined by contractor

The freelancer declined the task.

To agree on new terms and conditions for the task, please contact the customer.

Cancel confirmation

The customer has canceled the task and you need to confirm the cancellation.

If you do not agree with the cancellation, please inform the customer or contact support.

Dispute in progress

This status appears for tasks where the freelancer has pressed the Open dispute button. A dispute can be opened in cases where the freelancer does not agree with the description of the task, the deadline or the cost of the task.

When clicking on the Open dispute button, the freelancer must Suggest changes.

The suggested changes will be sent to your Customer for approval.

Customer approval

In cases where the freelancer has not completed the task before the deadline, the customer is prompted to select Prolong Deadline or Unassign Task.

You can tell the Customer the reason for the missed deadline directly in order to prolong the deadline.

Changes approval

This status appears when the Freelancer must approve suggested changes. For example, the Customer offers to prolong deadline and the freelancer needs to approve the new terms.

Freelancers can Accept or Decline the suggested changes. You can check the changes by clicking on the link in the notification menu (it's on the left, the bell icon). Or you can expand the task by clicking on its name, then expanding changes in the Events feed.


You have completed the task, and the customer has paid for it.

The money for the task has been added to your balance and is ready for withdrawal.

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