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How to add funds to company balance
How to add funds to company balance

Efficiently manage your finances on the platform

Ksenia Sevostianova avatar
Written by Ksenia Sevostianova
Updated over a week ago

This guide covers essential steps, features, and practical tips for topping up your company’s balance – helping you avoid errors and streamline your financial operations.

Important! Only account administrators and users with proper permissions can access balance top-up functions.

How to create a balance top-up invoice

Creating an invoice takes just two simple steps:

Step 1: Click the “Top up” button in the left menu

  • The displayed balance (RUB 718.88 in this example) does not include VAT, which appears separately below

  • Funds held upon task creation appear in a separate line from your main balance

  • The Unpaid tasks figure shows the current total of “Pending payment” tasks, including service fees. Use this value when creating an invoice if you’re only paying for these specific tasks.

Step 2: Enter the amount and click “Continue”

  • Include Solar Staff fee in your deposit amount

  • The system automatically adds VAT to your entered amount

  • Attention! Documents may occasionally queue for processing. If this occurs, wait briefly for invoice generation or download it later from Documents → Invoices

If you make an error when creating an invoice, simply delete it by clicking the red cross next to the invoice number in the Statistics section. Creating an invoice carries no payment obligation.

Automatic top-up

For successful automatic balance top-ups, follow these essential requirements:

  • Copy the payment purpose exactly from the invoice – even a single extra space can prevent correct processing

  • Use only invoices created within the past 10 days

  • Create a separate invoice for each transfer – don’t use one invoice for multiple payments

If these conditions aren’t met, your balance will be updated manually on the next business day after we receive your payment.

Calculating amounts with Solar Staff fee

Basic calculation formula

Calculate your top-up amount with this formula:

Amount payable to contractor × Fee multiplier = Top-up amount excluding VAT

Where fee multiplier = 1 + fee percentage/100


RUB 1,000 (contractor payment) × 1.09 (tariff multiplier with 9% fee) = RUB 1,090 (top-up amount excluding VAT)

Important! You must specify exactly RUB 1,090 when creating your top-up invoice.

How to determine your fee multiplier

  • Your fee multiplier depends on your fee percentage in the Solar Staff system

  • Find your current fee percentage in the Company section or by contacting support

  • With a 6% fee rate, your fee multiplier = 1.06, with 7% = 1.07, and so on

Quick amount verification

Verify the total amount with fee directly in the interface:

  1. Begin creating a task

  2. At step 4, after entering the contractor amount, the system displays the total including fee

You don’t need to complete task creation – simply check the calculation and close the window.

Fee sharing option

When creating a task, the “Share 1% of fee with contractor” option:

  • Reduces the contractor’s payment by 1% from your specified amount

  • Decreases your Solar Staff fee by 1%

Have questions? Contact Solar Staff support via online chat or email at [email protected].

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